Balanced Chemical Equation Lab Report

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!!!Balanced Chemical Equation Let us take a look at the scale below. We can see that it is unbalanced, with the right (red) side, weighing more than the left (blue) side. In order for the two sides to be balanced, we need to put a little more mass on the left side until they are the same mass. [{Image src='chemicalequationsunbalancedscale.png' alt='Unbalanced Scale'}] Just like we want the scale to be balanced on both sides, a chemical equation should also be balanced on both sides. A __chemical equation__ shows us the substances involved in a chemical reaction - the substances that react (reactants) and the substances that are produced (products). In general, a chemical equation looks like: [{Image src='chemicalequationsreactantstoproducts.png' alt='Chemical Equation: General Form'}] According to the __law of conservation of mass__,…show more content…
This means that the number of different atoms involved in the substances reacting must remain unchanged after the reaction occurs. Where there is a chemical reaction, there is a chemical equation. The chemical equation needs to be balanced so that it follows the law of conservation of mass. A balanced chemical equation occurs when the number of the different atoms of elements in the reactants side is equal to that of the products side. Balancing chemical equation is a process of trial and error. When balancing chemical equations, we first need to count the different atoms on the reactants side and the products side. If the equation is not balanced, we need to use coefficients, which are numbers that we put in front of the substances reacting, to balance the equation. If there is no coefficient in front of the chemical formula, that means the coefficient is equal to

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