Smuggling In Canada

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Canada recognizes the gravity of influx seafaring refugees on the host countries budgets, infrastructure, health, and education and further recognizes the imperative need to address the root causes driving people out of their homes. To address these roots and abiding by Sustainable Development Goals 3, 4, and 9 Canada points the international community to the detrimental implications of disregarding refugee rights. Canada further recognizes growing appalling dangers parallel to the number of the growing sea bound migrant crisis with Europe seeing the largest number of sea arrivals with 207,000 people crossing the Mediterranean, the Horn of Africa where 82,000 people crossed the Gulf of Aden and Red Sea leaving Ethiopia and Somalia for countries in the Arabian Peninsula, Southeast Asia estimating 54,000 people have undertaken sea…show more content…
Canada reiterates its support to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (UNTOC) multilateral treaty against transnational organized crime as emphasized through the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air. Furthermore, Canada recognizes the unfavorable and prevailing economic conditions of migrant smuggling that occur in the context of global inequalities and is further concerned with the victims of rape, violence and traumatic experiences after which many are detained or deported. The Canadian government has responded to these issues through Detention, yet remains concerned for the inadequate refugee claim process creating burden of the refugee determination system and heavily minimizing the distinctions made between smuggled migrants and
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