Stephen Harper's Immigration Policy Analysis

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Katelyn Highfield Ms. Parlagreco ENG 3U1 Tuesday, October 6, 2015 Limitations on Qualifications From having a total of 6, 186, 950 immigrants join its population as of 2006, Canada is looking to double its immigration number to 400 000 migrants annually (Friesen). Balancing between ethnically diversifying Canada while heeding the fundamental dedatirums of Canadian citizens, however, has become a game of tug-of-war with unemployed Canadians and increasing insecurity pulling through, victoriously. Entering an economic recession, Canada remains blind to acknowledging the compulsion of refining its immigration policy even though it’s impact on its citizens is clearly visible. With a lenient immigration system, Canada’s economy will fall under…show more content…
“Last year, Canada admitted 475,965 migrants, but more than half of them were temporary workers and international students. In 2006, for the first time, Canada's temporary foreign workers outnumbered the permanent residents admitted through the "skilled immigrant" and "economic" classifications” (Keung). How can Canada remain auspicious encouraging the educated youth to “follow their dreams” while reality proves elsewise? Canada is mistakenly wearing Stephen Harper’s glasses to play a blind eye to the vast unemployed individuals yet in spite of that, providing jobs to the newcomers. According to Friesen at The Globe and Mail, “Canada is in need of hundreds of thousands more immigrants in the next decade just to fill its labour-market needs”. According to Statistics Canada, why were there 5.9 unemployed people per every job vacancy as of March 2014? Canada has selective-vision, presenting immigrants with more job opportunities than the residents, only adding on to the danger and economic insufficiency Canada burdened the citizens with as…show more content…
This economic recession Canada currently undertakes, will be overtaken by the evolving amounts invested in expense to refugees and the jobless residents. Therefore, before Canada starts planning for the future to counteract its aging population and further expand the cultural aspects, Canada should plan for the present, and it’s already settled people. Stephen Harper declared “Our country has the most generous immigration and refugee system in the world. We admit, per capita, more people than any other,” (Gilmore). Unmistakably accurate about the “generous” part of Canada’s Immigration Policy, Canada remains reluctant to consolidating the system. How far will Canadians have to suffer before Canada finally undergoes a compulsory change in protection of its economy, citizens, and job market, because future, global success is not as a great a prize as the success of Canada’s individual

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