Slang Essay In English

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Whereas register affects the lexicon mostly, dialects and slang are characterized by non-standard grammar, specific lexical features, and a distinctive accent. Dialect usually refers to a variety of language that is associated with subsets of users in a geographical area, but also with a social group, i.e. a class dialect associated with socio-economic status (Wales 1989:119-120). The word slang is used to denote a kind of jargon, but it is often close to anti-language, because standard lexical items are replaced by re-lexicalizations that are very informal, and purposefully designed, like a secret language. (Díaz Cintas and Remael 191) Even though Díaz Cintas and Remael add that slang is designed almost like a secret language, Knittlová explains that more than anything, especially if we are dealing with the slang of younger generations, its purpose is to provide a shock value, it is purposefully provocative, frequently hyperbolic, often employs new creative and playful ways of altering standard language and features neologisms, moreover, the lines between informal English and slang are not definite, more than anything it represents…show more content…
Vocatives usually express the relation between speakers but they should not be translated by denotative means, translators are rather to use counterparts which are in accordance with the overall context and result in the same effect, thus sometimes certain vocatives may be translated differently, for example the words “man” “dude” or “bro” may be translated as “vole” or “kamaráde” (Knittlová 70). In Adventure Time, Jake and Finn often refer to each other and even to other people by such means, usually not with negative connotations, and since informal language has been chosen as the standard and because of the media-related constraints, these are translated as “kámo” or “brácho”, though sometimes they are omitted
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