Character Analysis Of WRT 105: The Monster In The Mirror

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Jovan-Gianni Lee Professor Castleberry 10/28/14 WRT 105: The Monster in the Mirror First Draft "All men hate the wretched; how then, must I be hated, who am miserable beyond all living things! Yet you, my creator, detest and spurn me, thy creature, to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us." Intro What is a monster? Are they created or are they spawned due to overwhelming circumstances that they must in fact become a monster. One that even they know is against their own morals. The act of Frankenstein cutting himself off from society, forcing himself into isolation was the end of society’s influence on him and the beginning of his true monstrosity to grow free. Allowing him to engage in experiments free from society’s checks and balances. To first make a monster you must understand the monster, and what it is to be a monster. The act of making a monster , in fact, made Victor Frankenstein a monster. Setting a small point after intro…show more content…
Physically the creature is distorted by the mirror being “ugly” and bigger than Victor. The creature was literally abandoned by Victor however so was Victor, by his own creator, his father. Despite having a loving and caring family, Victor blames his father for the consequences of his actions for having dismissing his childhood ideas of fitting into society blaming him for “taken the pains to explain that the principles of Agrippa had been entirely exploded.” Instead of him explaining the reasons for shunning Victors newfound ideology he abandons his scientific joys entirely, which ends up to become the main focus of study for Victor in the future. Hurt by his father, he must find a way to force his creation to work rather than having it turning to Agrippa and once again being abandoned by his

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