Similarities Between Buddhism And Judaism

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The biggest similarity in music between Catholicism and Judaism is that it is used heavily for prayer and worship. However, the way in which music is presented and used is somewhat different. It all starts within the roots. Jewish people and their music have their roots in the Middle East. Dating back to the times of the First Temple in Jerusalem, music was centered on sacrificial practices. This shifted however, after the exile of the Jewish people in 70 C.E. The focus went from sacrifice, to the reciting texts. During the formation of the siddur (or their prayer book), many Jews had difficulty memorizing the essential prayers due to their low literacy level. Music was then used as an aid to memorization. It sounded more like chants, as what they were reading was non-poetic. But nevertheless, chanting primarily conveyed the meaning of the words. Structure and…show more content…
Music started as single-line chants, or what is called the Gregorian chant; which was named after Pope St. Gregory the Great. Also, the primary language for these chants was Latin. Melody was added when the single-line chants turned in multi-line chants, with voices singing against other voices. Later, a musical instrument that could combine wind instruments with string instruments was constructed. This was the organ, and became widely used in church services. In fact, many churches today still require this to be the sole instrument used during mass. Later, a monk named Dom Andre Mocquereau developed a more free-flowing interpretation of chant. This was widely accepted throughout the Roman Catholic Church. It wasn’t until the “Age of Enlightenment” and he concerns and warnings from Pope St. Pius X, that changed the traditional structure of music in mass. It was with this, that many Catholic churches turned to (and continue to used today) a larger abundance of instruments accompanied with melody and sometimes movement and
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