Self Exploration Writing Assignment

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The Self-Exploration Writing Assignment The first person I interviewed was my mom who is a food service manager. I asked her the question how many jobs did you have, she responded by saying, “Lord have mercy you don’t want to know what kind of jobs I had.” She began listing the jobs she had since she was fourteen, she worked at Taco Bell, Wells Fargo, Bank America, Quick and Split mini market, CP Medical Assistant, and many more. She continued to explain that she has been working for LAUSD for 18 years and she has grown to love her work. My next question I proceeded to asked was, “How do you view work?” She insist that she must work to take care of our family, getting the things she wants and need is just a plus. She giggled and said, “I never grew up with a platinum, gold or silver spoon in my mouth, I had a plastic one and probably was cracked.” The second person I…show more content…
I would usually go to my mom’s cafeteria and volunteer by preparing food for the students. I would also help my mom and my aunt with their party planning business by decorating and hosting. I never asked for money because I actually enjoyed helping them. My view of work is that if you’re going to work get a job that you enjoy, or go looking for jobs that are going to lead you to your dream. Say for an example, one wants to own a flower shop, start looking for a job as a florist and build yourself up as manager of the flower shop. What I want to get out of work is happiness, seeing that I could put a smile on a customer face would make me happy and that’s all I can ask for. And getting paid for what I love to do would not hurt a bit. The social class I think I fit in the most is the working class. To me the middle class means that you own a home, you are financially stable, and have enough money for leisure time. Right now we are trying to buy a home and sometimes we do not have enough for the things that we want only for the things we
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