Second Language Development

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First and Second Language Development Related to the Concept of Bilingualism The concept of bilingualism refers to the state of a linguistic community in which two languages are in contact with the result that two codes can be used in the same interaction and that a number of individuals are bilingual (societal bilingualism).[1] As a first step I would like to describe the concept of bilingualism, first and second language acquisitions. The next thing is to discuss similarities between first and second language development; and finally, to relate L1 and L2 to the concept of bilingualism. Put simply, bilingualism is the ability to use two languages. At first sight defining the concept of bilingualism seems to be non-problematic; however, there…show more content…
Some of the characteristics of L2 acquisition show similarities with L1 acquisition, while other show differences. In L1 acquisition children while getting a knowledge about the world at the same time when language. L2 learners already have the knowledge of the world and use it to learn new ways to talk about the world. First language learners receive hours of language trainings from caregivers who looking after their development (Tomasello & Brooks 1999).The outcome of second language learning depend on several factors – age, input, L1 and L2 distance, motivation, individual differences in memory, in personality,…show more content…
Developmental Sequences. Both first and second language learners pass through a similar initial stage, the silent period. Children are learning their first language going through a period of listening. During this period they discover what language is. In the case of second language acquisition, learners have a silent period when speaking is not required from them. In general, however, many second language learners - especially classroom learners- are urged to speak. The second developmental stage is termed formulaic speech. Formulaic speech is defined as expressions “which are learnt as unanalyzable wholes and employed on particular occasions”. Formulaic speech is not only present in both first and second language acquisition but also present in the speech of adult native speakers. In the third stage L1 and L2 language learners use structural and semantic simplifications to their language. Both learners omit grammatical functions (e.g. articles, auxiliary verbs) - structural simplifications and omit content words (e. g. nouns, verbs)- semantic simplifications. These three stages show that L1 and L2 learners go through similar stages of development; however, L2 learners are urged to skip the silent

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