Science Education In The Philippines

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Along with the advancement of technology in the classroom and inherent with the characteristics of this generation’s students, teaching pedagogy has shifted from teacher centered to student centered. Teachers are now faced with the demands of teaching the Generation Z learners who are experts at multi-tasking and can use multi-tools simultaneously. They are visual speakers and they speak through images. They play and learn anytime and anywhere. They bring their own devices to get information anytime, anywhere. As digital natives, it is not enough for them to master only the 3Rs (reading, writing, and arithmetic), but they also need to master the 4Cs (creativity, collaboration, critical thinking, and communication) or the 21st Century…show more content…
The dismal performance in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Survey (TIMSS) along with the low scores in the National Achievement Tests both for primary and secondary levels form part of their concern. Dulay (2015) mentioned in her study the report of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) that we ranked 36th in both Science and Mathematics tests out of 38 countries in TIMSS 1999. In 2003, 4th grade students ranked 23rd out of 25 and 8th grade students ranked 42nd out of 45 participating countries. Subsequently in 2011, 54 countries and 20 other education systems participated in TIMSS. The Philippines, however, did not participate in the international study in 2007 and 2011. In addition, the performance in the National Achievement Test (NAT) is also below 50 percent in so many schools. The NAT for high school was 46.38 percent in SY 2009-2010, which shows a slight decrease from 47.40 percent in SY 2008-2009. In 2013, the goal of 75 percent seems elusive according to the National Education Testing and Research Center. Nebres in his presentation on Building a Science Culture (NAST 2007), was cited in Talisayon (2000) saying that even the Philippine Science High School performed only at the mean of Singapore, Korea, and Hong Kong in Mathematics. Worse, their performance was below the mean in…show more content…
Yuan Huang and Soman (2013) disclosed that both motivation and engagement are fundamental in the completion of a task or encouragement of a particular behavior. They also mentioned that the explanations for drop-outs or low performance include lack of motivation as shown in the pattern of escalating absenteeism. This implies that a student has become less eager to return to school. Yuan Huang and Soman (2013) further suggested that gamification has become a widespread approach to help increase enthusiasm and engagement among students. It is now being implemented in many educational plans to ensure that educators understand the difference between attaining their aims and providing for the evolving needs of students (Huang, Wendy Hsin-Yuan, & Dilip Soman,

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