Situation Analysis Of Coffee

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Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Situation Analysis Coffee is a beverage that is drunk by people who work late at night. Coffee has good and bad effects in a body of a single person. According to Dr. Mercola, 2012, the good effects of drinking coffee helps to lower the chances of having cancer like prostate cancer and liver cancer, heart rhythm problems, pulmonary function, stroke, gastrointestinal flora and the likes and also according to Kris Gunnars, BSc, 2012-2016, coffee can make one person smarter, coffee can help you burn fat and improve one’s physical performance, can lower risk of having type II diabetes, can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, it is good for one’s liver, decreases the chance of premature death and coffee is load of nutrients and antioxidants . Intake of coffee is bad so it should be taken moderately. Coffee contains acids not only caffeine. Intake of coffee is bad so it should be taken moderately. Coffee contains acids not only caffeine. Intake of coffee is bad so it should be taken moderately. Coffee contains acids not only caffeine. According to Meri Rafetto, RD, 2002-2004, coffee is highly acidic and it can cause a…show more content…
Acidity has some bad effects on our body. According to Chad Bojurklund, 2015, there are some diseases caused by too much acid in one’s body, one is metabolic alkalosis which is the result of excessive fluid loss, next is renal tubular acidosis which is the result of ineffective elimination of blood acids through urination, the last is bone resorption acidosis which increases the breakdown of bone tissue and structure. According to Josh Baum, 2013, alkalosis is the condition where too much level of alkalinity is present in the body, too much alkaline is also bad for someone’s body because this causes consciousness problems, involuntary muscle spasms, and
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