School Concussions

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We believe that the cons outweigh the pros when it comes to school sports and that they shouldn’t be offered to students. School sports come with a lot of risks, such as injuries, like concussions, the overall pressure and the fact that it’s very time consuming. Sports and schools have a high chance of affecting student athletes poorly, therefore, we think that school sports teams should be disbanded. The first reason that you should get rid of school sports is the health risks that playing can impose. The rate of concussions for people age 14-19 have tripled in the last decade, rising from 7,000 to 22,000 ER visits per year. A concussion is a serious head injury, a concussion left untreated can lead to brain damage, liver problems, and depression.…show more content…
Students who play sports have to go to practice, do homework, study, and learn the plays that their team has, and that can be all in one night (Sports: How much is too much?). This means that our students who are involved in after school sports will not stop running around working until very late at night. Our students would be on a schedule where they never get to rest until the sports season ends. By getting rid of sports in our school, they will stop taking up so much of our students time, and it can take of all the stress and pressure they are receiving from parents. Pressure can affect a student and their team in many negative ways. Pressure from parents to get a scholarship can cause the student to ignore their teammates and play for themselves. Student athletes are put under a great deal of pressure to earn a scholarship, but, the chances of earning a scholarship are slim. The chances of a basketball scholarship is 3%, football is 5.5%, baseball is 6%, and hockey is 11%. Too much pressure could have a negative impact on students. If they don't excel in their sport they might begin to feel inferior to their…show more content…
An alternative to games and practices could be after school clubs, working on school work, or having social or free time. Without sports, school clubs could be created for students who played sports and students who don’t have anything to do outside of school. Many athletes can get behind on school work because they spend so much time practicing and managing personal time, having extra time could help them stay on top of their workload. Another valid option is using the extra time for themselves or to spend it with friends or family, sports players often don’t have enough time to balance sports, school, personal time, and a social life, and the removal of school sports can give them enough time to do more of what they want. Sports do give students something to do during the week and weekends, but, there are several healthy
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