Salman Rushdie Analysis

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Throughout history, man has debated the role that religion has on people, culture, and society. Religions and other philosophies give a reason for the meaning of life and how one should live. Some have theorized that life is meaningless and religion has no real purpose. Some go as far to say, that religion has only caused harm to society, Salman Rushdie wrote an article discussing how the world would benefit from not having religion. Rushdie sends a negative message to society as he suggests eliminating religion altogether. Rushdie begins by stating his theory to the six billionth living person “How did we get here? And, now that we are here, how shall we live?”. He tells the six billionth person to imagine a heaven with at least one…show more content…
He speaks to his negative experience with religion. “As human knowledge has grown, it has also become plain that every religious story ever told about how we got here is quite simply wrong.” While Rushdie points to the personal experience, he fails to see the credibility found within religion. Religion has stood the test of time. It has existed far before atheistic ideas, and far before ideas of nihilism, and ideas that express meaningless in religion. It has lasted with its impact on history, has gained credibility. Rushdie also uses pathos as he appeals to the emotions of his reader as he is strongly opinionated. He highlights that religion will be the cause of wars. “The real wars of religion are the wars religions unleash against ordinary citizens within their "sphere of influence".” He suggests that world live as one and forget religion seeking interests of one's self while maintaining peace with one another. Rushdie’s ideas are unrealistic and utopian. He also fails to show the tremendous good the religion has provided. Those of religion have offered great comfort to those in need. It has provided structure and moral code for people to abide by. Religion has by far done much more good for society than it has done…show more content…
he gives legitimate points of the harms religion can create, and the negative experiences and confusion that can happen with religion. But, Rushdie fails to see what his message would truly be. The foundations of humanity would be shaken and the people would be lost in what to do. Religion is also intertwined with the world today, that simply eliminating it would simply shake the soul foundations of which the world is founded upon. To simply eliminate religion and act upon feeling would cause even more conflict between one another then religion creates. Religion is not the sole cause of conflict, but rather people’s different interpretations. Religion provides a guide that is more centralized. If it is eliminated people’s own interpretation of what they feel would definitely cause there to be far more conflict then ever seen
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