Rhetorical Analysis Of Imagine There's No Heaven By Salman Rushdie

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Imagine There’s No Heaven by Salman Rushdie: Rhetorical Analysis Novelist, Salman Rushdie, in his letter to the six billionth living person, Imagine There’s No Heaven, analyzes the enigmatic question, “How did we [humans] get here [Earth]?” Rushdie’s purpose is to explain to readers how people and their judgments are shrouded by religion and preconceived notions taught to them, even though some know such practices are filled with inaccuracies. He adopts a cynical tone, unifying diction, and anaphora in order to challenge the outrageous beliefs his species accepts to his readers. Imagine There’s No Heaven is structured around a question that has been asked by our “notoriously inquisitive species”, describes potential answers, and then returns

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