Filth In The Shadow Warrior

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In order to reunite into a whole the two split sides of his being and recover his creativity, he undertakes the symbolic journey to Kahani, the representation of his psyche. Whereas in the light of the conscious land of Gup one is at peace with his shadows (the unconscious part of the mind), rendering it a proper environment for the development of imagination and creativity, in the darkness of Chup feelings and frustrations are being suppressed and the artistic urge obstructed, remaining in a stagnant nature. “Something, or somebody, has been putting filth into the Ocean. And obviously if filth gets into the stories, they go wrong.” – the filth that poisons the Ocean can be interpreted as negative thoughts in Rashid’s mind implemented by Mr. Sengupta’s negative remarks regarding the use and power of stories, remarks that have started to intoxicate with doubt Haroun’s father, too. Soon, Haroun grows weary of the perpetual light in the land of the Guppees, and understands that a certain equilibrium concerning the two sides must be achieved, by means of communication between particular parts of the different areas in the psyche. The difficulty of exploring the deeper, darker parts of the…show more content…
The necessity to make peace with the Shadow is suggested by the fact that it was connected at the feet to the Warrior, making it just the other half of a whole: “No matter what tricks his shadow played, the warrior was its equal.” This struggle among the two parts is not to be regarded as negative and malign; the balance between the two fighters is something to be desired: “Haroun began to think of their combat as a dance danced in perfect silence, because the music was playing inside the dancers’

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