Malaysia Swot Analysis

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Logistic: Malaysia is located in the Southeast Asia bounded by north Thailand, south Indonesia, east Philippines and Brunei. It is shares water boundaries with Singapore, Vietnam, and the Philippines. It has strategic location along Strait of Malacca and Southern South China Sea which make Malaysia one of the major sea routes connecting the Far East to Asia, Europe and Middle East. It is one of the four largest states in the United States (Malaysia, n.d). This means that AlZayani Company will have an easy access to Asian’s, Europe’s and Middle East’s market easily through China Sea, which will lead to increase the sales of AlZayani Company. According to the statistic that World Bank website issued, Malaysia ranked as 25th place in the logistic performance index (LPI) of the year 2014 across 160 countries and score 3.59. This index helps countries to categorize the challenges and opportunities they face in their performance on trade logistics and what they can perform in order to develop their performance including customs performance, infrastructure quality, and timeliness of shipments. On score of 1 (worst) to 5 (best) Malaysian score 3.56 on the quality of trade and transport related infrastructure such as ports, railroads, roads and information technology which means that Malaysia has good infrastructure. Also, it is scoring 3.37 in…show more content…
This trade is caused thorough seven international ports that provided with new conveniences such as” Penang Port, Port Klang, Johor Port, Port of Tanjung Pelepas, Kuantan Port and Kemaman Port in Peninsular Malaysia and Bintulu Port in Sarawak”. Each port is futuristic and has sufficient facilities including EDI systems and ample handling capacity to meet present demand (Developed infrastructure, 2015). This will help Alzayani company when they plan to use seaports for shipment; because it is easy and

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