Roman Influence On Western Civilization

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The Impacts of the Roman Conquest of Britain on Western Civilization Few political bodies throughout history have been recognized for such a substantial and diverging cultural impact as the Roman Empire. Rome is typically thought to have had active interests in encouraging, or rather imposing, reformation of the communities it absorbed. Taking a fresh look at the history of Roman expansion can generate a surprisingly fresh depiction of these fields, which provides tremendous foundations for our understanding of how the Roman Empire had influenced modern day political structure, language, and law. Julius Caesar carried out the first Roman campaigns of Britain in 55 BC. The conquest did not begin until 43 AD, during the reign of the emperor…show more content…
Without a significant military or political background, Claudius was strongly urged to establish a name for himself, to prove himself to his subjects. Accordingly, he had to take credit for some military accomplishment. Claudius decided he would gain the approval of his subjects by conquering the land Julius Caesar could not. In 43 AD, Roman General Aulus Plautius led the Romans into Britain. This was not the beginning of a quick conquest, rather, an extensive campaign. In 45 AD, the Romans began to sweep the countryside with the assistance of Cartimandua, Queen of Brigantes. By 47 AD, Rome had claimed most of the south. The Celts’ leaders then retreated to southern Wales and sparked an uprising, which quickly spread north. In response, 9th legion was pulled out of Brigantes and moved west to Wales. Meanwhile, a conspiracy to kill Queen Cartimandua arose in the Brigante kingdom. The Romans honored their alliance, and returned to Brigantes, allowing Caractacus, a leader of the Celts, to prepare for the next major battle with the Romans, occurring in 50 AD. Following the loss of the battle, Caractacus fled ironically, to Brigantes. He sought help,…show more content…
Prominent, modern practices of the law are easily traceable to the Roman Empire. For allied cities in general, the standard procedure allowed each community to bring in existing Roman laws into their codes. This method made for a gradual junction of local laws with the Roman’s, but apparently must have also generated blends of rule in each city. The full dissemination of Roman law will always remain connected with the spread of Roman citizenship, a progression that would end centuries after the conquest (Bispham 243). Accordingly, Roman law remained, for the majority of the Roman Empire’s duration, the law of Rome itself, as well as a code analogous to the federal system in the United States, in that it primarily regulated interactions happening at a higher level than that of the individual cities. Even among Roman citizens, Roman law always remained a tool primarily used by elites, which never fully replaced subjective rulings, customary law, and out-of-court resolution. The latter, of course, have left very little in terms of written traces, but their extensive presence can be inferred from indirect

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