Role Of Youth In The Future Of India Essay

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As Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam said Youths are the future of India and also he believed in it. He also said that it is the responsibility of young generation to preserve and sustain the environment for a prosperous future. Now a days many environmental activities are taught to students at the school level and in some schools it's a weighty part of the curriculum , it might seem like a small step but this assure that the participation of the students in the activity will help in sustenance of the environment. In addition to that , importance of 3Rs – Reuse , Recycle and reduce is a part of class 10th CBSE science syllabus. The Government of India is also playing an important role in keeping our surroundings clean by launching Clean India Campaign which is indirectly playing an important role and also ensuring the participations of celebrities which is also ensuring the participations masses especially young ones. Discussions are considered first step to a cause. Many little but…show more content…
To represent the concerns of future generations is difficult in the context of policy-making at the present moment. Environmental education is one way to equip young people with the necessary cognitive skills to recognize and withstand the pressures of the advertising world. The kind of education that needs to be imparted here involves providing information about how the world’s ecosystems are under stress as well as proper guidance on how to draw links between an advertiser’s product and its ecological consequences. As the cognitive demands are very high and advertisers are extremely skilled, they will always try to convince you that their products and activities are environmentally sound or beneficial. This is commonly known as “green

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