Role Of Minorities In The 1920s

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Minorities of 1920s The American Dream died for immigrants thanks to the long lasting effect of the Gilded Age. Immigrants are still doing horrible in the 1920s, ever since the Gilded Age started in 1870, where they got stuck working in factories in poor conditions instead of going out west and following their dreams. By the 1920s the Harlem Renaissance movement was going great and was successful in accomplishing its purpose, which is to create a culture for African Americans, but African Americans still faced lots of discrimination. Woman were doing ok since the 19 Amendment passed in the 20s and it granted women the right to vote, although they weren’t close to being equal to men in many other ways. The 1920s was a harsh time for minorities, immigrants were still struggling, African American were fighting back racism, and woman were fighting for their right to vote.…show more content…
“In 1917, Congress enacted legislation requiring immigrants over 16 to pass a literacy test,” ( That wasn’t fair for new immigrants, since the immigrants before didn’t have to do that. Since most old immigrants before 1920s back went out west and farmed and followed their dreams. “The Immigration Act of 1924 created a quota system that restricted entry to 2 percent of the total number of people of each nationality in America as of the 1890 national census–a system that favored immigrants from Western Europe–and prohibited immigrants from Asia,” ( They came to America planning to go west and starting a new life, but that wasn’t the reality. This trend started in the 1870, in the time period called the Gilded Age. Immigrants were facing way to much trouble in the 1920s and that really messed up the melting pot
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