Roald Dahl Analysis

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A british novelist, short story writer, fighter pilot and screenwriter named Roald Dahl was born on September, 13, 1916, in Llandaff, South Wales. His first book was published in 1943 “The Grenalins”. He also known for popular books such as “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “James and the Giant Peach”. Besides writing the kids classics, Roald Dahl was also a poet. He incorporated both humor and truth into his poetry and released several poetry collections. Overall, he had wrote 25 poems in his life. The poet died on 23 November 1990, at the age of 74 of a blood disease. He was buried in the cemetery at St. Peter and St.Paul’s Church in Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, England. The Times called him as “one of the most widely read and…show more content…
According to Roald Dahl, television will make the imagination of our kids dull and make them as a lazy person to think or even doing something nice for their parents. Dahl says that he understands why parents nowadays let their children watch television. It is because to keep the children busy and focus at only one thing. This is not an effective way to teach kids for not disturbing or making a chaos in the house. In his poem he said, “They don’t climb out the window sill / They never fight or kick or punch.” However most of the parents didn’t know that the consequences of choosing television as a distractor for their children are actually the worse decision that they could make. Former kids usually used their imagination to have fun. They think about something that make they feel happy and fun on their own without any help from technologies. The kids were active and creative. Because of that Dahl suggested that each house should uninstall the…show more content…
In Islamic teaching, Allah (SWT) did mention in the Quran; When they hear worthless talk and they turn away from it and say, “do not desire the company of the ignorant” (Quran, Al-Qasas, verse 55). We shall leave behind everything that is worthless in order to gain His pleasure. As Muslims we will be facing so many challenges in our life and the hardest part is to fight from the influences by satan and the temptation of lust. Shayk Hamzah Yusuf an American Muslim scholar claimed that television is one of many others devil’s trap on earth. And he believed that it gave such a huge bad impact to people. Research indicates that media violence has not just increased in quantity, but it has also become more graphic, sexual, and sadistic. It means here that, indirectly the satan slowly pull people towards him and make them to commit sins. That is why Allah warned us; “Nor come nigh to adultery; for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils)” (Quran, Al-Israa, verse 32). Children tend to initiate what they see. From this method they are learning about something which is vain and it will damage the children growth, not only their intellectual development but also its affect their moral behavior because they can’t easily tell the difference between real life and fantasy.

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