David Kelly's Creative Confidence Talk

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Creative Spark Talk Analysis Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Creative Confidence Creativity refers to the conversion of new imaginative ideas into reality, where confidence refers to the state of being certain. Creative confidence talk revolves around David Kelly, who is the founder of IDEO a design firm which produced the first Apple mouse and he trains future design thinkers at Stanford d. School. He presented his Creative Spark talk in 2012 with the title of Creative Confidence. David Kelly’s talk illuminates some of the stages of creativity. He starts by focusing on his early days when he was still schooling at Oakdale in Barberton, During this period he was on his third grade and recalls about the project that his friend Brian was doing, Brian was working on a project of making a horse using a clay, his fellow classmates started laughing at him that his horse does not look like the real horse. After Brian being mocked David Kelly says that, he never saw his friend…show more content…
When David Kelly talks about the story of Brian to his students, everybody feels like sharing similar experience about their projects that have failed as a result of teachers and students being cruel towards their projects. David Kelly highlights the second stage of creativity of fear of judgement where he explains that, majority of the people develop some fear when initiating a project as they focus on how others will judge them if one fails to give an idea of the right creative thing. Based on the fear of judgement, it forced David Kelly to visit Albert Bandura the fourth psychologists who works in Stamford. He went to seek his advice about the problem of phobia and they talked about the fear of snakes. He found the experience enjoyable as Bandura used his two -way mirror where people focused on the room where the snake was. After that, instructions were

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