Rhetorical Situation Analysis

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A previous rhetorical situation remains with any rhetorical discourse.GIVE YOUR OWN EXAMPLE OF A RHETORICAL SITUATION-- The rhetorical situation rules the important responses physically and verbally, as well as the types of observations to take. There is a braud array of situations that exist. However, not all of them are described as rhetorical situations. Bitzer particularly targets the timing that is needed to converse in regards to a situation that will improve the exigence. A situation would not be defined as a rhetorical situation if conversation cannot amend the concern. There are three essential components that make any rhetorical situation. The first component of a rhetorical situation is the exigence. This is a dilemma in the world…show more content…
The second essential component that Bitzer identifies is audience.Change is developed through the impact of an audience's choices and conduct. This change, is promoted by rhetorical discourse. Members of an audience that function as advocates to mediate, are required in rhetorical situations. Without audience there are no mediators, and no change. Finally, the third component is the constraints. Constraints consist of objects, people, events, and relations that put a restraint on resolutions or decisions that can be made in a rehtorical situation. Ideolical constraints are also discussed by theorist that Marx influences. Ideological constraints create restraints of the unconscious for certain matters of society such as race, and gender.A modern set of constraints is also braught about by the speaker. This is, Ethos, Legos, and Pathos. Ethos being constraints through the image of personal character. Ethos, are constraints through the image of logical proof. Finally, Pathos being constraints through the use of emotion. We shouldnt assume that situations are created by rhetorical address. Rather, the situation is what manifests the discourse. Everybody has a memory of a place and
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