Rhetorical Situation Analysis

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The five elements in the rhetorical situation are Text, Reader, Author, Constraints, and Exigence. A reader can use the rhetorical situation to analyze the content of the, format, organization, argumentation strategies, language, and style that are employed by the author. Additionally, the reader can compare their reactions to the text with the reactions they perceive the intended reading audience might have had. Furthermore, the reader can analyze the author’s position, motives, values, and degree of expertise. Lastly, the reader can analyze the constraints of the essay that influence the audience’s perceptions of the situation. Likewise, an image can be analyzed using the rhetorical situation. If the image has text, the viewer can analyze the content, format, and argumentation strategies, to reveal the true message the image is portraying. In addition to the text, the viewer can analyze the beliefs, attitude, and affiliations that are associated with the purpose of the image. Furthermore, this strategy can aid writers in developing the appropriate content, format, organization, argumentation strategies, language, and style that the paper should contain. In fact, the rhetorical situation can assist the writer to build common ground with its intended audience. This can be achieved by evaluating the beliefs, affiliations, and values of the writers predetermined…show more content…
Subsequently, the author must be able to recognize that there are several position types that an audience may initially uphold. These audiences may have friendly, undecided, neutral, hostile, resistant, unfamiliar, and or linked perceptions of the topic or situation. When writing for a friendly audience, your planned outcome is to confirm this audience’s beliefs and strengthen their
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