Rhetorical Analysis

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Mr. Hoffmann’s “pro” viewpoint states that water should be priced according to the “true market value in order to resolve our global water challenges.” He recognizes the impact water, and clean water to be more specific, has on human health and poverty as well as on economic development. He points out that although water is a plentiful resource in the world, it is not plentiful in all regions of the world. Hoffmann blames the under valuing of water at its market value to be the reason for “quantity and water-quality issues.” Mr. Hoffman’s views seem to be sympathetic to the scarcity of the resource while maintaining an economical business agenda. After reading through the opposition’s rebuttal, I have drawn the assumption that Mr. Hoffman’s view on market pricing leaves the poor to suffer while the rich reap the benefits. However, being the economist Mr. Hoffmann seems to be, he could possibly come up with methods for equalizing the…show more content…
Shiva’s opposing view point in the opening statement is that water should not be denied to anyone and by adding a higher market value to water the poor will not be able to afford to pay for it. She believes that the “privatization and commodification of water resources are threatening to accelerate the processes that have led to the growing crisis of drought, desertification and water famines.” She also views putting a price on water “moves against the law of gravity.” Although Dr. Shivas recognizes that water is a business, she maintains the stance that “water is priceless.” She also believe that commercial driven markets are not sensitive to the true value or scarcity of water. Dr. Shivas’s belief that no one, regardless of their financial situation should go without water, raises a question. Who is going to be financially responsible for delivering usable water if there is no market pricing? I assume she expects the government to absorb the costs that are accrued or maybe even offer discounted rates to those whom need

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