Restorative Justice In Canada

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Chapter 2 Historical background of Restorative Justice 1 Introduction In 1974 the first case of restorative justice was documented in Elmira Canada. It’s strived to balance power between the affected parties and empowering those who in the traditional system had limited or no voice at all. In Restorative Justice, the participants speak for themselves, in a setting that encourages the sharing of feelings and emotions and personal contact Victim Offender Reconciliation Programs were being created across Canada which uses approaches based on the concept of responsibility, healing and reconciliation. These programs helped open the door to a more formal recognition of traditional approaches used in Aboriginal communities in Canada There are three…show more content…
Traditional justice is based on an absence of emotion, with no attention to feelings, and with an emphasis on facts and persuasive argument; the rights and feelings of victims are largely ignored. There are Christian values which have find their place in restorative justice in Canada were initiated by individuals embracing a Christian view. Those views are: peace-making; reconciliation; forgiveness; care and support for one another within a context of community; personal responsibility and accountability to one another, especially regarding wrongdoing; and restoration of the wrongdoer who is remorseful and willing to change his/her ways the restorative justice movement has certainly been encouraged and fostered by individuals and groups who identify themselves with this religious…show more content…
Juvenile justice professionals may facilitate a process where juveniles have the opportunity to identify needs in the community and work together to implement a needed service or change. Restorative Justice explores feelings, and the impact of crime on the people most directly affected. Within a safe and guided setting, strong or painful emotions can be explored. This subjective, emotion-friendly process resonates well with the “female voice,” and indeed a high percentage of Restorative Justice Practitioners are women. Restorative Justice strives to balance power between the affected parties, empowering those who in the traditional system had little or no voice. Restorative Justice also harnesses the energies of the community to meet the needs of both victims and offenders, not stigmatizing either of them, but providing them the help they each need to move on in

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