Representation Of Women In The Media Analysis

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In today’s world we are constantly exposed to advertisements that shape and influences the way we see ourselves and the world around us. This happens through television, newspapers, magazines and social media. Depending on its objective, the media has the ability to change ones overall perception and understanding of their role in society, it is evident to say that the media plays a deliberate role in social development. The objective of this essay is to discuss the various ways in which the media impacts how women view themselves and the world around them. Three ways in which women may interpret their representation in the media is to either consider themselves as objects, incompetent and dependent on a male figure or wanting to break the…show more content…
A good example of this issue would be reality television, shows such as “The real housewives of Orange County, The Bachelor, or even Americas Next Top Model”. Shows like those represent the woman as the weak and submissive type, one that has nothing more to offer but her body and the unconditional desire to love a man. Due to those particular reasons a lot of women have the misconception that they constantly have to enhance their physical appearance rather than working on their inner self. One of the topics discussed in the documentary “Miss Representation” by Jennifer Siebel Newso, was that women often times encounter difficulties when trying to break through the stereotypical notion that they cannot only be followers but also powerful leaders. With thousands of advertisements constantly exposing women to objectifications, it is difficult to notice the women that do not fall into the stereotypical category of being necessarily beautiful, thin, clueless and dependent on men. Women such as Hilary Clinton, Sarah Palin, and Condoleezza Rice as shown in the “Miss Representation” documentary, are the ones that try to break the stereotype, encourage young girls to remain in school, pursue a profession in which they are not objectified and accept themselves for who they are and not simply their physical

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