Gina Jones Gender Roles

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Women’s Role When you think of the evolution and culture of any society, one of the first aspects that comes to mind is the way that society respects women and their role in the development of the society. In every culture, women are responsible for raising children to become good citizens in the future. Gina Jones in her article “Gender Roles” describes the social construct which is created by culture and society norms. Women’s role is different from one culture to anther and sometimes two cultures share similarities as well. There are difference and similarities regarding women’s role between Iraq and the USA. The limitation of women differs between Iraq and the USA. It is clear that women in the USA enjoy much more personal freedom and…show more content…
In the USA there are different areas to work, and women can work in all areas and fields without considering their work as shameful. As a result, you can see women working as a lawyer, judge or in the military, and she can contribute in politics nationally as well as internationally. On the other hand, a woman in Iraq has fewer career choices, so she is not able to work in the military, law enforcement. It is preferred for her to be a house wife taking care for family’s needs. Furthermore, women’s in the USA have equal job choices and equal rights with men who work at the same work place. Jones states women work in many places such as employee in health care centers, customer service in any market, food preparing in restaurants, housekeeping, and in hair salon ; however, in Iraq most of these jobs are considered shameful for women to work…show more content…
Women’s responsibilities in all places not just in Iraq and the USA are similar because traditional female tasks revolve around the home, which includes cooking and housekeeping. For example, a part of being a mother is planning to help her children to do everything, such as help them to do their homework, take them to school or doctor appointments, and help them to develop healthy habits, such as exercise and reading and many others activities. That will lead them to be independent persons in the future and encourage them through life transitions. On both cultures, Iraqi and American, women’s responsibilities towards their children do not end even after their sons and daughter get married; for instance, most grandmothers in Iraq and the USA help caring for their grandchildren. Jones states that although the presence of women is increasing in the workplace, most women have the essential role in raising children and take care of their

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