Anger In Euripides 'The Medea'

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Emotions are a part of being human, and the choices one person makes about his or her emotions are what makes the type of person he or she is. Happiness, anger, excitement, among others are some examples of emotions. Anger is a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong ( Revenge is to exact punishment or expiation for a wrong on behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit ( not forgive is to not be able to disposed to forgive or show mercy; unrelenting ( In Euripides “The Medea,” Medea shows how being upset can turn into anger, wanting revenge can affect a person’s life, and not being able to forgive can cause for one to make bad choices and go to extreme…show more content…
Stated in an anger article online, “... You may feel you are unable to let go of your anger” (“Anger”). The article states that being angry can cause for one to hold onto the anger and this is when the problem affects his or her life (“Anger”). Throughout the story of Medea, it is repeatedly shown how anger is reflected in her actions. Medea was not angry at the beginning, she starts off simply upset but changes later. She was upset about being kicked out and being cheated on by her husband after all she had done for him. When Jason finally comes to her to explain his reasons for doing it, he only makes her angry. He did not give her credit for saving his life and seems as if he only cheated on her for her. Jason states, “My view is that Cypris was alone responsible of men and gods for the preserving of my life”(Damrosch 759). He believes that Cypris, aphrodite, goddess of sexual desire, is the reason he is still alive, and Medea played no part in his safe return home. Jason tells Medea that he married the bride so that Medea, he, and the kids may live well (Damrosch 760). All of Jason’s excuses cause anger to form and hatred to build in Medea’s heart. The increased anger causes more unreasonable thinking and causes her to vow

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