Religious Influences On Sharia Law

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Sharia Law is an overall important historical advancement that played a key role in dictating its own society and indirectly mentoring others. Sharia Law is a religious law based off of the Muslim religion and their own moral codes, sourced from the Quran and the Sunnah. Sharia has a modern court appreciation, with a judge present, being different from ours through a culture unsimilarity. The set of laws in Sharia were heavily influenced through religion because the Muslims believed that the rules they follow in their religion should be similar to their government's laws. Despite a need to compare Sharia to others, law codes are different in religion; which makes them completely different in their basis, integrity, and punishments; though Sharia law is still used today and affects many. Sharia was created in the beliefs of Muslim and Muhammad's life. The Quran was created to tell the story of their religion and how they should worship, on the other hand the Sunnah was based off of Muhamma's life, and the actions he took, as a guideline for all daily acts. The Quran and the Sunnah were both the main influences on Sharia Law; which helped create a balanced moral code for the Muslims to follow. The…show more content…
Religion influences Sharia in all cases because the laws were based off of their religious handbooks and bible such as, the Quran and the Sunnah. Not only did the Muslim religion influence their laws, also the way that evidence was perceived in the eye of the judge, such as oaths made to tell the truth. Religion was the basis for Sharia laws so many small tactical violations cause a strong retaliation from any religious supervisors. Women were treated differently in Sharia law compared to others because the Quran believed in equality; which in turn forced the people following Sharia law and the Quran to have similar actions with semi-identical punishments and

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