Carb Counting In-Service

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Carb Counting In-Service 1. Objectives: • Nursing professionals will obtain the most current American Dietetic Association Exchange List for Diabetes. • Based on the ADAs Exchange list for Diabetes, Carb counting will be demonstrated using a variety of sample Carbohydrate food sources from foodservice kitchen, in appropriate serving sizes as visuals for better understanding and explanation of Carb counting. • Several learning handouts will be provided to nursing professionals who seek further evidence-based educational tools in regards to carb counting for the diabetic diet. • Nursing professionals will learn to carb count based on serving sizes provided in the diabetic exchange list. • Feedback will be welcomed by nursing professionals…show more content…
Pretest to determine carbohydrate knowledge. Allotted time will be 5 minutes to complete pretest. • Pass out all hard copy teaching tools. (Carbohydrate Counting for People with Diabetes, Carbohydrate Counting Nutrition Information Guide, Exchange List for Diabetes, Educational handout explaining carbohydrate serving sizes and carb counts in a 1-day facility sample menu). • Introductions of Dietetic Interns. • Begin presentation discussing Carbohydrate Counting for People with Diabetes & Carbohydrate Counting Nutrition Information Guide. This guide will be used as a teaching tool to demonstrate to nursing staff what carb counting is, why carb counting is important for nurse practitioners to understand, how to educate patients on carb counting and why carb counting is important for patients to understand. • Continue presentation discussing what the diabetes exchange list is, how to read the exchange list beginning to end. Explain what a dietitian uses the diabetes exchange list for and how carb counting is taught to diabetics using the exchange list as a source. • Use visual food, along with exchange list and provided teaching handout (1-day facility sample menu), in order to demonstrate step-by-step carb counting…show more content…
Briefly explain the carbohydrates provided in each visual menu meal. Start with the facilities breakfast meal, have the staff open up their exchange list (hard copy) and find the specific breakfast carbohydrate item being discussed. Example: 1 Biscuit 2 ½ inches across = 1 serving = 1 carbohydrate count. Have staff count that carb. Keep adding carbohydrates in each meal and per meal, using the exchange list as a serving size tool. • Repeat the step above for lunch, snack and dinner. Count all carbohydrates in visual meals provided. Sum all carbohydrate counts in the visual meals. • After carb counting demonstration test nursing staff carbohydrate counting knowledge, using a hard copy 1-day sample menu typically served in the facility. • Have nursing staff use their exchange list and have them count the carbs on the 1-day sample menu provided for knowledge testing. • Have nursing staff retake carbohydrate pretest (post presentation test), to evaluate if carb counting presentation was successful in teaching nursing staff about carbohydrates. • Pass out evaluations of carb counting presentation to nursing staff. Thank the nursing department for their participation. Collect evaluations. End

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