European Influence On America

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Europeans Impact on the Freedom of America It is no surprise that Europeans contributed to the freedom of the United States. Without the help of Europeans, there would not be America. While Europeans and the Native Americans may not have always seen eye to eye, their presence had a large impact on one another. It was inevitable that life for both the natives and Europeans would change forever when their cultures met. The purpose of early colonization attracted people from around the world to come to America. They had a desire for new opportunity, freedom and power. Word broke out about the “New World” and new trades, religious liberty and political freedom caused global attraction. When the Europeans arrived in America they brought weapons,…show more content…
The Pilgrims came over to the “New World” in 1620 on the May Flower. The Puritans followed over shortly after. Coming to an America where they found the freedom to practice his or her faith without any hassle. Religious liberty in a modern sense excised in very few parts of the Atlantic world of the seventeenth century. Most countries had established churches, supported by public funds and outlawed various religious groups, if they did not agree with them. (Foner, Browne 27) They hoped by coming over to America, they could bring over Christianity and have the right to religious liberty. In 1644 the Maryland Act Concerning Religion was established that protected the right of religious freedom by stating if anyone professing to believe in Jesus Christ shall be troubled of any other religion against his or her consent, will be punished. (Foner, Browne 28) The Native Americans also had a strong spiritual life. Their religion was based on Animism. The idea that all kinds of things can hold secret spirits. (Lecture, 8/27) They prayed to many Gods some including rain, sun, health and love. Europeans wanted to change the native religion. Europeans tried to change the religion of Native Americans by forcing them into the religion of Christianity. Although the Native Americans resisted, it exposed them to more religion and culture then just their own. This was the start of having the United…show more content…
An example of the Europeans seeking out political freedom was The Nobles created the Magna Carta. The first time the nobles stood their ground against the king; formed an alliance against King John in 1215 and made him sign it. (Lecture, 9/8). Another example of Europeans seeking Political freedom in America was in 1682 when William Penn drew up a Frame of Government, but it initially failed. But it lead to Charter of Liberties created by William Penn in 1701. It’s first clause was religious toleration and an elected legislature promised that it would be the same right as the “free-born subjects of England”. This government establishment lasted all the way to the American Revolution and it built a basis for legislation in the United States. (Foner and Thorpe, 46). All of this political freedom established by the Europeans was the basis to the current political freedom we have today. Without the help of the Europeans, America would not be called the Land of the Free, Home of the
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