Relay For Life Research Paper

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During high school I have invested the most time and effort to National Honors Society. As a group we meet every other Wednesday and have been able to volunteer and give money to great causes. Last year was the first yea I was able to be on NHS, and that year helped me grow as a person. In this society we were able to come together as a group and earn around fourteen hundred dollars for cancer research. Personally I invested a good amount of my time into earning this money. Attending Relay for Life was the most time I invested and also collecting money before Relay for Life. National Honors society came together and decided to have a fundraiser around school and to entice the students a couple of the teachers were going to shave their heads. To earn this money, student would volunteer to collect money before school and during lunch. I assisted a few times to collect money for this part of the collection process. I would have to walk around and ask students from every table for any money or spare change they had, that they could donate. A few students would indeed give me some change, and we were able to earn a good amount of money from asking students for donations. However, we got even more money from attending Relay for Life.…show more content…
This was a community event that was put together to earn money for those with cancer. It was an amazing event to attend, while it was very emotional at times it was also very moving. At this event my group had a bake sale to raise more money for those with cancer. I had to walk around the event and try to sell as many cupcakes as I could; I was joined with a couple other members as well. These members and I were able to sell many cupcakes to people, and it wasn’t too hard to convince those who were on the fence about getting one! I greatly enjoyed selling the cupcakes at this event, and it helped me get more comfortable with confronting

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