Biological Determinants Of Behaviour

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Descriptions of Biological Determinants of Behaviour in the Popular Press Introduction Biological determinants of behaviour are factors that try to explain human behaviour from a biological point of view. The process of evaluating human behaviour from a biological standpoint is known as biological determinism and is closely related to genetic determinism. In this case, biological determinism tends to explain biological factors, such as genes, that determine how an organism behaviour is or how it changes with time. There are various biological determinants of behaviour, which include neural adaptability, birthweight, sex and gender. Therefore, this paper addresses how the various biological determinants of behaviour are described in the popular…show more content…
Indeed, both scientists and authors have extensively tried to explain how an individual’s behaviour tends to be inborn and not acquired. It is quite true that some behavioural characteristics, such as being clever or retarded might be inborn because neural activity tends to determine one’s ability to respond to unexpected stimuli. However, one cannot downplay the influence of environmental factors as they also come into play when issues pertaining to behaviour are…show more content…
Importantly, there has always been a claim that reductionism is still existent when it comes to describing biological determinants of behaviour. In this case, an individual’s behaviour is viewed to be composed of various factors that exist in terms of intelligence, moral or ethical behaviour and relational behaviour. Consequently, in describing an individual’s behaviour, these factors are individually put into consideration. In the light of all the popular articles, I do agree with the fact that reductionism plays a significant role in describing the biological determinants of behaviour. The concept is true when considering that the different behavioural patterns that exist in an individual tend to have their own specific biological factors that shape a specific behaviour pattern. For instance, intelligent people might either become criminals or humble people in their lives. These two behavioural characteristics, intelligence and crime, tend to have their own specific biological determinants. On one hand, intelligence has been identified to be one of the behavioural characteristics that are determined by an individual’s neural adaptability. The intelligence that this particular individual possesses is, usually, not related in any way to that particular individual’s capabilities of crime.

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