Reflection Process Of Reflection

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Having studied the first part “what is real”, I started to reconsider the seemingly real world that I originally took for granted. And it followed that several questions came over my mind. Firstly of all, in the process of seeking truth, can reason really be separated from empirical experience? Secondly, what is the measurement of the degree to which something is real? Or in other words, how can we prove that something we perceive is real? Within the three texts of the first part, the first text and the third part guided me to reflect on the questions proposed above most, while the second one might not be that influential to me. To explain the reasons, I will illustrate my process of reflection in the following paragraphs. As a modern man, I will reflect on their thoughts in a mode. To begin with, text one basically illustrated Plato’s theory of allegory of cave, which distinguished the world of form, the real world from the sensible world, the fake world and emphasized the importance of education in seeking truth. From Plato’s…show more content…
By an inductive process based on the empirical world, one is able to grasp true knowledge and then one can prove it by putting it into deductive form. Therefore, deduction seems to be the measurement of true knowledge. Only when one put the inductive knowledge into deduction can one prove its authenticity. In other words, the empirical world is the measurement of a law rather than a law is a measurement of reality. Just like we cannot deny the existence of electron just because its motion does not accord with Newtonian law. Instead, we view that the Newtonian law cannot be applied to the motion of electron. Therefore, the measurement of authenticity of a thing may only be other things. Just like we can only tell a dream is a dream when we wake up or there is something in our dream that is contradictory to our previous life
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