Assessment Vs Standardized Assessment

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The process of assessing, and occasionally testing, is essential to understand a patient. Nonetheless, differentiating between testing and assessment can be observed as an academic exercise. Frequently, these terms can be interchangeable, since the course of testing (i.e., scoring, interpreting, and administering an instrument) cannot merely be separated from the initial assessment process. Testing, thus, forms part of an assessment. A distinction can be made between no standardized and standardized assessment. No standardized assessment refers to the process of collecting information without following guidelines or a strict set of rules. Nonstandardized assessments can include some clinical interviews. Even though such interviews follow a…show more content…
This can include the awareness that an individual can serve as a negative or positive role model for others. Family interventions and Empathy training might lead to such re-assessments- the patient considers the view that their emotional outbursts has an effect on those around them. The next process is Self-Re-evaluation which combines both affective and cognitive assessments of an individual’s self-image with and without a specific unhealthy habit, such as an individual’s image as an introvert or a socially active person. Healthy role models, value clarification, and imagery are methods that can move individuals emotionally- a patient realises his behaviours towards others during a panic attack is…show more content…
Environmental re-engineering, Avoidance, and self-help groups may provide stimuli that can support change and decrease risks for relapse. Carrying a stress reliever object with you at times of possible triggers is an example of reengineering that can encourages improved coping skills- the patient removes possible anxiety attack triggers from their surroundings (if possible). Secondly there is the Helping Relationship that combine caring, openness, acceptance and trust as well as provision for the healthy behaviour change. A therapeutic alliance, rapport building, buddy systems and counsellor calls can be sources of social support- the patient has someone who listens when they need to talk about their anxiety levels. Thirdly, Counter Conditioning involves the learning of improved behaviours that may substitute for problematic behaviours. Relaxation can decrease stress and assertion may counter peer pressure- the patient finds relief from playing with a stress ball when feeling

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