Naproxen Chemistry

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6.1 PHYSIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION 6.1.1 Appearance Naproxen sodium a gift sample from Cipla ltd., was found to be white, odourless and crystalline powder. 6.1.2 Solubility of Drug in different solvents Naproxen sodium is freely soluble in water & methanol. It is practically insoluble in chloroform & toluene 6.2 FLOW PROPERTIES OF THE DRUG The flow properties of naproxen sodium for various parameters such as bulk density, tapped density, Carr’s index, Hausner’s ratio are shown in table 6.1. it was observed that pure drug Naproxen sodium has acceptable flow property. Table 6.1: Flow Properties of drug S.No Property Result Flow 1 Bulk density (g/ml) 0.375 2 Tapped density(g/ml) 0.5 3 Carr’s index 25 Acceptable 4. Hausner’s ratio 1.33 Acceptable 6.3…show more content…
. The first order rate constant K1 and regression line R2 values, were extracted from the graph and the linearity of the plot was determined by closeness of R2 value to 1. Fig.6.30: First order plot of optimized batch 6.6.3 Fitting data into Higuchi’s equation: Drug release was fitted into higuchi’s equation where cumulative percent drug release was plotted as a function of square root of time.The drug release data for optimized batch was fitted into Higuchi’s equation as shown in figure 6.31. The Higuchi release constant and regression line R2 values, were calculated from the graph. Fig.6.31: Higuchi plot of optimized batch 6.6.4 Fitting data into Korsmeyer peppas equation: Korsmeyer peppas equation is employed to study drug release mechanism as the value of n indicates the underlying mechanism of drug transport. For obtaining the value of n, graph was plotted between log cumulative drug release and log time for the optimized batch. The plot for optimized batch is shown in figure 6.32 Fig.6.32: Peppas plot of optimized

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