Importance Of Reading Comprehension

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introduction: Reading is the process of getting meaning from a series of written symbols. In Reading, our eyes ,our brain is work. Reading sometimes is silent or sometimes can be aloud which other people can hear. Reading is a receptive skill but when we read a text aloud is also a productive skill. As I mentioned , reading comprehension is getting meaning from a text; without understanding the meaning , reading is like a simple words that line from left to right. Reading have several faces which develop and improve by practice. Fluency is one of the reading's face which can be develop by practice. Different Teaching Methods: There are several methods that teachers or parents can use to teach the children to read. Which one is better? According…show more content…
Teachers can combine these methods with each other. Teacher ask students read a text aloud, while the teacher pay attention to their pronunciation and accuracy . then ask students some questions about the text. perception of reading: According to M.Perkins, if teachers had not enough experience , their effectiveness as a teacher of reading would be poor. At first, teacher should prepare to teach reading. Reading is sometimes more than a blend of several parts. M.Perkins try to offer a relationship the ways of knowing and effective teaching of reading. When a teacher want to teach a child to read , she/he needs to herself/himself .She need to experience reading, just knowing about procedures are not enough. sometimes , students say to their teacher : "you're not teaching us how to teach reading". These students want to be given a series of lesson plans. They want to follow these plans to teach their students to read. The main research is , what conceptions of the teaching of reading do student teachers…show more content…
The researcher study on 31 children; 21 students classified on treatment group and 11 students classified on control group. The researcher use some tests as pretest and posttest to meature students' information they have read. Experimental group give treatment. This instruction include prereading, guided reading and postreading activities; each of them have some sections. In prereading activity, the teacher by some task try to activate students' background to help them predict the sequence of the passage and so on. In guided reading activities, the teachers help students to summary the main points of the passage ; the teacher help students to remember what they know, and so on. In posreading activities, students make questions , see whether or not they achieve to the purpose of the study and so on. The result of the study said that experimental group which gave the instruction performed better. It means that they could monitor their reading activities without help. Also , the experimental group attitude toward reading was more positive than control
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