Operation Chromite Swot Analysis

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Based on “current” concepts and amphibious capabilities we are better prepared for forcible entry operations than we were during the landing of Inchon, and subsequent liberation of Seoul. The technology we posses and the ability to enhance our capabilities all play a factor in what we can operationally do. However, to compare Operation Chromite with current amphibious capabilities is like comparing apples to oranges. The Navy Marine Corps Team had certain capabilities in the 1950s and had the experience coming out of WWII and the Island Hopping Campaign. Nevertheless, there are a few key points to hit on with what occurred during Operation Chromite. Gen MacArthur coordinated a ship to shore movement that involved a joint effort. In six…show more content…
Our current concepts and capabilities have evolved since World War II and Operation Chromite; however, we have taken the lessons learned from the operation and used it to assist with current operations. Amphibious operations are classified in five different operations; assaults, withdrawals, demonstrations, raids, and other/support for crisis response. The main concept is for the Naval Forces to use the sea as maneuver space. By understanding what we are capable of, we have been able to define and utilize our foundation. A few points that will be considered will be Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) capabilities, seabasing, Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) and MPF Future (MPFF), Operational Maneuver from the Sea (OMFTS), and Ship to Objective Maneuver…show more content…
We are able to deploy, assemble, command, project, reconstitute, and re-deploy joint power from the sea. This capability is logistically oriented and reduces the footprint ashore which will enhance combat power from the sea. Through seabasing, a joint force commander can rapidly build, integrate, and project combat power from over the horizon (OTH) to support joint forcible entry operations (JFEO), enabling a rapid transition to decisive operations. It also ties in with the MPF and MPFF. Current MPF has developed significantly since the 1950s. MPF has the resources to support combatant commanders with improved load plans and equipment. MPFF adds a few more functions to the fight: at-sea arrival and assembly of units, ATF assault echelon reinforcements, long term sea based sustainment of landing forces, and at-sea reconstruction and redeployment of forces. Seabasing, MPF, and MPFF provide concepts and capabilities to the JFC to execute a sustainable fight from sea to

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