Self Worth In Life

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BIO Revised- Despite the ever-changing world, Vina Valentine remained committed to encouraging and supporting people at every level to be the best version of themselves. She believes in making the opportunities you want for yourself and remaining unapologetic for your focus and determination. She has the ability to change the atmosphere of any room with her eccentric energy and charm, and as the result, she disperses faith and inspiration to her audience, encouraging the redesign of their own desires and possibilities in every aspect of their lives. From a micro to a macro level changing the perception of self is the true foundation for success and that is the message she brings. She started her journey as an entrepreneur over five years ago,…show more content…
Self-worth is such a difficult concept for individuals and there are so many factors that go into recognizing and growing yourself worth. At minimal I seek to install self-worth in everyone. That means taking the time to do the work to make yourself the best version of yourself. Like any sport, you have a trainer someone who encourages you, outline the goals, evaluating your processes a lifestyle consultant is the same idea but we are working on your internal health encouraging mental growth and development. Self-discovery, understanding, peace of mind, goal setting are things that you have to work out as you evolve as a person and you need a support system to encourage you to foster those…show more content…
Not because I was raised my wolves but it just always seems to be low on my priority list until it’s not. That is the same attitude I take in a lot aspects of life. I like forcing the creative juices to flow when possible. While having a conversation with a group of people about this I realized everybody’s attitude towards laundry was different and shockingly enough their approach to laundry is like their approach to life. How do you approach your laundry/life? Vina`s Way I love clothes. I love fashion, I hate laundry. I am spontaneous. I will wash a load during my lunch break, while I’m at the gym, whenever I feel I can wash and dry I will do it. If it is not a necessity it is not a priority. I take this approach to life I am whimsical and enjoy the creative space and learning to improvise with what I have. I don’t plan I envision. I am fearless about change and being outside my comfort zone. My approach to laundry is much like life, “what’s the worst that can happen here?” most of the time you make it through just fine. This carefree approach is not for everyone. Taya’s
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