Racism In To Kill A Mockingbird Essay

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Throughout history racism has played a large role in shaping world events. Especially in America it has caused many issues, even a civil war. Harper Lee grew up in a time period was racism was still around. And one of the main themes in her book is racism. Racism is an evident theme throughout Lee’s book To Kill a Mockingbird; seen in the way Tom Robinson is treated at the trial, the way Miss Dubose talks about Scouts father, Atticus, and the way Aunt Alexandra interacts with Calpurnia. Tom Robinson is the main point of racism in the book, but there are many other subtle hints of it spread throughout the book. To Kill a Mockingbird does not provide a solution to this issue, but Lee does attempt to make racism visible to those who may not be able to see it. Tom Robinson’s trial, as Atticus put it, should not have even come to court. It is in its…show more content…
Gilmer seemed ready to rise to the ceiling. The witness realized his mistake and shifted uncomfortably in the chair. But the damage was done. Below us, nobody liked Tom Robinson’s answer. Mr. Gilmer paused a long time to let it sink in.” (264) Mr. Gilmer is purposely drawing attention to Tom’s innocent “mistake”. What Mr. Gilmer is implying is racism in its simplest form; any black person does not have the ability to do anything that might make them superior to a white person. Scout and Jem experience racism, but in a different form than Tom does. The idea of racism was so perverted back then, that people got angry at any white person who even tried to help a black person. Every day as Jem and Scout walk by Miss Dubose’s house she throws insults at them about their father being a “nigger-lover”. Now, Scout and Jem were not black, but they experienced the cruel sting racism indirectly through Tom Robinson and their father. It was not just Miss Dubose who hated Atticus helping Tom, it was all of Maycomb. Even her own family, Francis, disliked Atticus for helping
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