How Does Golding Present Human Nature In Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies is written in a third-person omniscient narrator which moves back and forth between different scenes and thoughts of characters. This allows the reader to expand their scope and delve into the minds of multiple characters and their emotions but gives a detached observation. For example in Chapter 8 where in the space of a few pages we see Jack hunting, Simon watching the flies swarm and then Piggy thinking about Jack accepting him. Golding also successfully creates a savage tone that runs throughout the novel while also having a mellower undertone. This is seen throughout the novel as Golding depicts the darkest side of human nature and the power hunger humans have. For example, Simons death was murderous and vicious as the boys…show more content…
A sense of serenity takes over the beach and even the sea seems to become less agitated as ‘the rain ceased, and clouds drifted away’ as if it was accepting the body of a martyr, to protect and remove it from the evil of the island. Golding links human nature with the rhythms of nature and when Simons dead body is floating away it is portrayed as beautiful and ‘Everything was coated with a layer of silver’, softening the enormity of Simon’s death. Most of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is written in a strict factual way and often bears a resemblance to a police report rather than a novel. This blandness reflects the character of Mr. Utterson and his personality. The story is told through Mr. Utterson’s eye who is a proper man that comes to rational and logical conclusions and wants to preserve any possible trace of orderliness making him a trustworthy narrator. The narratives colourless tone also seems to arise from the text itself as the title itself and chapter names reveal a scientific detachment through the structure of the novel. Even the letters written are used as pieces of evidence and the

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