J. R. R. Tolkien's Influences Essay

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Incredible worlds and vast universes, new languages, and astonishing adventures all derived from the mind and influences of J.R.R. Tolkien. Being an English writer, poet, philosopher, and university professor in the early 19th century, he impacted fantasy literature greatly. Affected mainly by his life experiences in war, childhood, Catholic religion, and certain types of mythology, his works became extremely popular and outspread throughout the world. Famous books including The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and all works associated in that set are his most well- known pieces. Tolkien took his many life encounters and used them to produce extraordinarily creative writings which made him one of the most remarkable authors, still famous today. Tolkien was born in 1892 in Bloomfontein, South Africa, but was mostly raised in the Warwickshire countryside in England. He was enlisted into the Great…show more content…
Tolkien created his own vast world of different societies and history in this, and all the stories take place in this same world. His war experiences influenced these, and are even told to actually influence the scenes created or people in them. The several kinds of mythology influence the different types of animals, species, and humanoids alive in the story, the ancient beliefs and stories behind them and overall the whole baseline of these books. Catholic religion also made an effect on these books, with the basic story outline of good against evil in them. Enlightenment and purity also are sown in many characters and events, also curses, locations, stories told, and more. Tolkien even created his own full languages for these stories, which was influenced by his linguistic thoughts taught to him. The Silmarillion was basically a history book for these other stories; he made this world very deep and created it from his life

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