Comparing Milton's Paradise Lost And Henry James Turn Of The Screw

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The ideas of Innocence and evil are normally preconceived from influences of other texts and people. Our ideas on Evil and innocence are mostly derived from the bible with the original sin and Satan at the heart of it, by using Milton’s Paradise Lost to compare to Henry James Turn of the Screw I wanted to explore the use of narrative voice through Innocence, Evil, Sympathy, Appearance and Author. In Milton’s Paradise Lost the narrator wants to shape preconceived ideas of Satan being evil by indicating the ambiguity of the situation. By portraying him as both innocent and evil; it convinces the reader to disregard any previous feelings towards the devil. Milton seems to use an omniscient narrator to present this but the text seems to show that the Narrator has a biased opinion which Satan is just misunderstood. Whereas in Henry James’ Turn of the screw the Governess is presented as the narrator so it shapes the readers idea’s of the novel and makes us trust her opinion on the events. This suggests to the reader that the narrative is biased and Miles and Peter Quint are not the embodiment of evil and are just figments of her imagination.…show more content…
Same compares to the governess in The Turn of the Screw because it’s her point of view we do not realise the extent of her demise until its too late. God is presented as ‘vengeful’ [PL 1 148] but we are presented with this biased opinion from Satan and the fallen angels so of course we will feel more influenced to have sympathy for Satan. Satan has no basis for his claims but then again God does not interfere when Eve is manipulated in the Garden of

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