Racism And Prejudice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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During the “evil times” there was racism and prejudice nearly around the 1930’s. However throughout time, blacks and whites slowly became equal, people were maturing and began to understand that black and white is only the color of our skin. It’s known that our color does not change the way we as humans our percepted as. By the year 2015, there has been a change in passion and change in what we use to think was right is now wrong. (In the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”, Scout learns about the evil in the world, compassion and insensitivity and the importance of family.) In the town of Maycomb is racism and prejudice, almost everywhere folks go there's people calling out ‘nigger lovers’ and talking about the negroes living in the rusty old houses down by the Ewell’s. The Ewells are deceivers and have no respect for any human in the town of Maycomb. Scout Finch is a tomboy with a lawyer for a father. She grows up in the town of maycomb experiencing all the flawed appearances of the people around her. Such as mrs.Dubose, who was a “morphine addict” said Atticus (Lee 11).It becomes even clearer to Scout when she attends the Tom Robinson trial in person, sees that tom is a innocent man, and encounters the jury convicting Tom as guilty, she says “A jury never looks at a defendant…show more content…
She becomes clearer to the fact of family importance when everything around them corrupts, Atticus is called a “nigger-lover”. Scout asks Atticus “you aren't really a nigger-lover then. are, you?” (Lee 107). Additionally, Atticus goes to trial and because of the trial, his kids are then attacked by BoB Ewell “Suddenly he was jerked backwards and flung on the ground, almost carrying me with him” said Scout (Lee 262). Without Scouts family Atticus wouldn't have got as far as he did because Scout stood up for him. In relation to this conclusion, I've never known how important family was until I was in situations where I needed them the
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