Literature Review On Virtual Empathy

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Researchers L. Mark Carrier, Alexander Spradlin, John P. Bunce and Larry D. Rosen in 2015 studied on Virtual empathy: Positive and negative impacts of going online upon empathy in young adults- the essential objective of the study being- an attempt to establish the character of the relationship that Internet usage and Empathy share. The dual drive behind this study involve: - Researcher’s purpose to analyze the influence of being online on empathy - Real-world empathy and Virtual-empathy to be put on the scales for researchers to gauge and relate or compare. Particular research questions being addressed in the study include: - “Does going online affect empathy through a reduction of face-to-face time?” - “How does virtual empathy compare to…show more content…
individuals born since 1980. Findings with relation to the proposed research questions discover that- the presence of screen time i.e. individual being Behind the Screen had no extensive correlations with one or the other form of real-world empathy in case of both sexes. With an escalated amount of time that females spent behind the screen, the study discovered fundamentally a negative correlation with cognitive real-world empathy i.e. negative correlation of cognitive real-world empathy with an upsurge of screen time. In both sexes, increase in screen time owing to occupying oneself with video games depicted diminished affective real-world empathy, notwithstanding the level of face-to-face interaction. Therefore, to summarize- individual’s online presence did not lead to any reduction in face-to-face…show more content…
The study observes the use of Facebook and it’s correlation with individual’s friendship and self-esteem. The essential proposition of the study is to analyze the association that Facebook, friendship and self-esteem of college-going individuals’ share- with emphasis on individual students who have had Facebook accounts all the way through the period of adolescence. One rationale that the researcher provides for the study is the existence of very few studies that examine the correlation concerning Facebook operation and individual’s self-esteem. The research design employed by the researcher was a Quantitative design- comprising of measures to gauge self-esteem, friendship and the range of emotional connection to Facebook such as the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Friendship Questionnaire and the Facebook Intensity

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