Personal Analysis Of The Novel 'The Hatchet' By Gary Paulsen

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Introduction Paragraph: Hatchet. Is the book I like the most among three. Written by Gary Paulsen and published in 1996 was even appointed to a Newberry Honor Book. It is a story whose genre is survival adventure, and its main subject is a broken parent's boy's survival in forest. Summary: Brian was a sad boy whose parent got divorced, and he had to stay with father for the vacation. While he was going to Canada, the pilot got a heart attack, and gas ran out. Then a plane went down to the forest, to the trees, but slid down to a lake. Brian, with a hatchet and a windbreaker had to survive in wildlife himself. He learned many things he need to survive, like way to hunt or make fire. He improved his personality, and quality of life in wilderness. He also…show more content…
He made some weapons like a bow with the hatchet to hunt. When a tornado came, he found a tail section of the plane. He made a raft, and went into a lake. He lost his hatchet, but he found out a survival pack that helped him survive. A plane, which was passing him, received the SOS, so he could be rescued. Personal Evaluation and Conclusion: Living in wildlife, there were a lot of changes in Brian's life. He used to be frustrated about his broken family. He did not like his parent getting divorced, he did not like the lawyers and judges talking about his family, and he did not like the secret, which he decided not to tell his father. With these problems, he always lived with an 'anger'. However, he found out new sight, new vision to look everything affirmatively. When hardship and adversity came to him, he against with the trouble himself and found out a better decision from there. Like him, I would not frustrate or give up 'happiness', and try to bear the hardship. I think I do not have a big one yet, but when it come, I will try to overcome and change into a better way,

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