Public Distribution System Literature Review

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LITERATURE REVIEW India's Public Distribution System (PDS) is the biggest circulation system of on the planet. PDS was presented around World War II as a war-time bolster measure. Before the 1960s,it was significantly reliant on imports of grains. It was investigated in the 1960s due to the expanding nourishment lack poblem, keeping in view which, the administration set up the Agriculture Prices Commission and the Food Corporation of India to enhance the capacity of sustenance grains for PDS. By the 1970s, PDS had ended up into a general plan for the appropriation of financed nourishment. In the 1990s, the plan was further enhanced to enhance access of nourishment grains to individuals in uneven and blocked off ranges, and to focus on poor…show more content…
It begins at the sourceing stage itself. What is meant for the poor people somehow finds it way to the open market. This is because of the huge difference between the market price and the price at which they are sold in the ration shops that is the central issue price. Even the people selling at the ration shops often under-weigh the commodities.People often charges bribes, even for making the ration card itself. The procedures are made difficult deliberately so that even to get a ration card, the general public has to bride, from there comes the middlemen. INEFFECTIVE DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM: Inspite of having so much of good grains in the godowns and the government in fact lacking the space to store them, still people are dying out of hunger and misery. Also since the distribution of food grain responsibility has been given to the state government that is how we observe a huge variance in the pattern of implementation. Most of the times, The states donot take the seriously the subsidy given by the center and also donot even try to target the real…show more content…
It is being shown by the studies that TPDS has a large number of problems associated with it and are prone to large number of inclusion and exclusion error. A lot of people who are not eligible are getting the benefit instead of those who actually deserves it. An expert group was set up in 2009 to advise the Ministry of Rural Development on the methodology for conducting the BPL census. It estimated that about 61% of the eligible population was excluded from the BPL list while 25% of non-poor households were included in the BPL

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