Gender Inequity Assignment

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Assignment 1 - Project Design for Assignment 3 Introduction Gender inequity is a broad issue with growing concern over the last decade. It is known that there are ongoing attempts to eliminate gender health inequity. Whether the elimination is effective around the globe can be assessed by the efficiency of gender-sensitive health policies, as well as whether the policies are filling the gaps which require to meet the global health equity goals. (Doyal L., 2000). At the same time, ideas about whether ageing health care services should be approached in the way of gender equality and equality are blooming . Hence, looking at how gender equity associates with health outcomes at a global aspect will aid in clarifying misunderstandings, and provide…show more content…
It is found that current researches about gender and health are at the stage of providing statistics data, while only limited actions and strategies are available to tackle identified problems. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (2016), men aged 85 years or above have the highest rates of suicide out of the whole Australian population, which shares similar statistics with most of the developed countries. It is also known that women generally live longer than men, while the rate of illness and disability also increases with age, leading to lower quality of life in their later years. Current evidence shows that type of diseases leading to death are different among men and women. For instance, regardless of those sex specific diseases like breast cancer and prostate cancer; men has a higher prevalence for lung cancer while women has a higher chance for cardiovascular disease. However, in nowadays health system, the common approach is that except for sex specific diseases, the health care sector treats all the other infections and diseases the same when promoting prevention to the community, regardless of their prevalence gender-wise, which might not be the most efficient way in preventing certain…show more content…
(2009) ‘Examining Gender Equity in Health Policies in a Low-(Peru), Middle-(Colombia), and High-(Canada) Income Country in the Americas’. This reporting format is used as the article is about examining how gender equity contributes to different countries, which shares the same view with WHO that to globalised gender equity in health policies. Reviewing this article will further bring up policy implications, as well as an check that whether there are progress on the path of gender equity around the globe. Also, as the article was written in 2009, the review will also investigate whether the proposed methods in the article are fulfilled, and whether improvements are made as

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