Spatial Mismatch Thesis

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Acknowledgments I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who made the realization of this dissertation possible, particularly my advisor, Professor Ilan Tojerow, for his trust and his interesting topic suggestion, as well as Nathalie Sauze and Eric Vandevyver for their support and advices. Index Introduction 5 Part One: Accessibility in the literature 6 Chapter One: The concept of accessibility 7 Section 1: The four determining factors of accessibility 7 Section 2: Accessibility as a socio-economic component 11 Section 3: Job accessibility measures 19 Chapter Two: The Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis 24 Section 1: The spatial mismatch hypothesis in the literature 24 Section 2: Contributing factors 25 Section 3: Mechanisms…show more content…
Although the majority of the subsequent studies were supportive of the spatial mismatch hypothesis, evidence has sometimes been inconsistent and there have been methodology debates. The typical approach used to test the hypothesis for a specific city is by using one measure linked to the labor market conditions such as employment or earnings and relate it to a measure of job accessibility, usually the radial distance or the commuting time between the dwelling places and the potential workplaces. It is important to note that the standard spatial mismatch hypothesis focuses only on the adverse labor market effects caused by the disconnection from suburban jobs possibilities experienced by the inner city residents. Furthermore, it almost solely concentrates on the low-skilled labor forces and the racial minorities, primarily the black minority. This focus on the low-skill end of the labor market has led some authors to prefer the term “spatial/skill mismatch” to represent more precisely the topic studied (Immergluck, 1998; Ong & Blumenberg,…show more content…
(2001) developed a model centered around the effects on the commuting costs between two asymmetrical zones of residence (a central district and the suburbs) and their separate labor-market combined with the entry-cost differentials for the firms. In the resulting equilibrium of this theoretical model, the suburban residents look for work only in their own area because it is the more attractive for companies and thus has a higher number of vacant jobs, whereas the central district search for jobs in both locations, reverse commuting when working in the suburbs. Among the central district residents, those who face the lowest commuting costs are the ones working in the suburbs, while the others only look for jobs in their own area, even though they have access to fewer job opportunities and receive a lower remuneration for their work. Consequently, the fact that the employment rate and the relative wages are higher in the suburban area than in the city centers is compatible with the equilibrium of this theoretical

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