The Pros And Cons Of The Industrial Revolution

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Hary (2016) states that Generally, we speak about industrial revolution when some technological innovation produces a drastic growth in the efficiency of production systems, in other words, these systems undergo a paradigm change. • The first industrial revolution started in the second half of the 18th century when the steam engine brought about systematic industrial production. • The second industrial revolution spanned from the second half of the 19th century to the end of the First World War and resulted in mass and serial production; its peak was Ford’s Model-T. • The third industrial revolution is sometimes called the „digital revolution”. It started in the second half of the 20th century and has brought about the global-wide use of…show more content…
It is a process that is already happening but will reach its peak in the near future when it creates „smart manufacturing”, i.e. the rethinking of production technologies with a network-based approach, and new business models that take advantage of this approach. During the first industrial revolution the appearance of mechanical-based production chains jump started all the great radical changes that were later given a further boost by the spread of electricity during the second industrial revolution. During the third industrial revolution, automatization offered new alternatives for human labor and made the processes of production faster and more specialized. Today it is primarily the integration of these elements that will produce a breakthrough, because we will be able to use technologies and approaches that will make it possible to operate and control more complex systems and entire supply chains simultaneously. This level of development will require both the seamless integration of systems of production and their IT support systems, i.e. their treatment as cyber-physical systems, and the adoption of a radically innovative management approach. Hermann (2015) collected six principles for design regarding Industry…show more content…
These complex systems can optimize through detailed inter-connected models in order to fulfil pre-set goals. Besides arranging these smart elements into systematic networks, this process also requires their fine-tuning in „cyber space”. We can do this through a model-based optimization and a new type of development of simulation devices. Accordingly, Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS) will create intelligent networks comprising not only classic production tools but also entire supply chains including energy systems, logistical processes, systems of building management and so on. This enables Industry 4.0 to achieve the highest degree of complexity, reliability and
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