Pros And Cons Of Euthanasia

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“Euthanasia is the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma”, (The New Oxford Dictionary of English). It derived in the early 17th century from two Greek words, ‘eu’ meaning well or good and ‘thanatos’ which means death. Therefore, when a person is subjected to euthanasia, their death is good. Euthanasia is categorized in three various ways, which include involuntary, non-voluntary and voluntary; each type can either be passive, when the patient is allowed to die or active, when the patient is killed. Involuntary euthanasia is usually considered murder because it is carried out without the permission of a person. Non-voluntary euthanasia is done without the patient expressing it as a choice, for example, if they are too young or mentally impaired. Voluntary euthanasia is typically performed knowingly with the…show more content…
Majority of countries around the world do not have a free health care system and medical expenses are very costly. (Wang, 2012) found that one in every four Medicare dollars spent goes to the five percent of beneficiaries in the last year of their life. (para. 1, 2, 6.) (Sprangne, 2009) states that end of life care is incredibly expensive due to the fact of hospitalization and the need for specialists’ attention (para. 2-3). For those families, especially the families of patients who are terminally ill, end of life cost is a financial burden. In the United States of America end of life cost is estimated at $39,000; for forty percent of households, that exceeds their financial assets. Paying such a high bill would have been acceptable if it was worth it, but objectively it is not. When a person who is terminally ill wants to die to help save their family from paying a ‘lifelong’ expenditure bill, it is objectively beneficial and cost effective to their
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